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Ten Tips to Tame Your Child’s Temper Tantrums

What can we do to help him overcome this behavior?"What is David getting out of this behavior? First make sure that you are not rewarding this type of behavior, positively or negatively because both will help keep it alive. If you eventually give in to this behavior by changing your initial decision (not letting David go out to play, refusing David a cookie), David has learned that tantrums

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Top 7 Motivation Tips for New Home Business Owners

Build structure into your day.

Create a schedule and To Do list every evening for the next day, before you sign off for the day. (And yes it is important to sign off, even if you return later to complete a project.) Include breaks and email reading time.

Define goals by numbers ("write 1000 words") instead of time ("2 hours on Mega account"). One of the joys of working at home is you get